Friday, September 10, 2010

Error Analysis

  • The x values are going up by five so the slope should 10/5 or 2 not 10. The equation of y = 9 + 10x does not work for this problem, because when you plug in the x values y does not agree with the numbers in the chart.

  • The solution of (1,2) is not a solution of both equations. Meaning the soulution is not correct, in order for it to be correct it has to solve both problems. The solution solves the first equation, but not the second equation.

    • On number 22 the graph is correct, but the line should be dotted instead of solid.
    • On number 23 the grpah should be be shaded above instead of below.

    • On number 20 the line should be dotted instead of solid.
    • On number 21 the shading should be blow the line instead of above it.

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